Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Advantages In Using Linux

Problem now a days

 The common reasons why there are numbers of people using pirated OS (Operating System) in our computers and the worst thing is that not only individuals doing this but also i have seen and encountered that there are companies using pirated OS.

As i think about the price of the most used OS now a days are too expensive and as i think about this i'd come to understand why? most people are using pirated OS.  Me myself, this too become my own concerns but, I am also hesitant to use the free OS, because what can we get to this free OS? Until somebody introduces Linux to me.

As i used Linux i learned that there are lots of advantages we can get this inexpensive OS  and I would like to site some of this advantages.

Stability we don't need to reboot our computers periodically to maintain performance level cause it doesn't freeze up or slow down and it continues one year up or more.

Cost much of Linux software comes with GNU (General Public License)  so most of the software are free and you don't have to spend much time and money to get licenses.

Linux is also flexible cause it can be used for high performance server application, desktop application and embedded system. You can also install components which are only needed for particular used instead of the whole suites.  And it provides high performance on networks and play stations.

You don't have to worry about it's compatibility for it runs to all common Unix packages and file formats.  Linux is know to be user friendly with regards to fast installation and in setting up programs.

Security one of the most thing i admired about using Linux is that you don't have to spend a lot money to buy antivirus cause this is one of the most secure operating system  the "Walls" and flexible file access permission prevents access of unwanted visitors and viruses.  

This are only some of the advantages i have learned in using Linux and there are lot more that i know i can still discover.